
Do you have a comment or suggestions for improvement to this documentation? Please create an issue from the corresponding GitHub repository.


If you find this documentation helpful for your work, please consider citing it as follows.
        author       = {Beil, Christof and Kutzner, Tatjana and Schwab, Benedikt and Kolbe, Thomas H.},
        title        = {Road2CityGML3},
        year         = 2023,
        publisher    = {Zenodo},
        version      = {1.0},
        doi          = {10.5281/zenodo.7919560},
        url          = {}

The following related publication explains concepts of the CityGML 3.0 Transportation module.

         author   = {Beil, Christof and Ruhdorfer, Roland and Coduro, Theresa and Kolbe, Thomas H.},
         title    = {Detailed Streetspace Modelling for Multiple Applications: Discussions on the Proposed CityGML 3.0 Transportation Model},
         journal  = {ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information},
         year     = {2020},
         volume   = {9},
         number   = {10},
         pages    = {603},
         url      = {},


Some of the conceptual illustrations in this document were created based on 3D models available in the SketchUp Warehouse. The guideline is inspired by the Road2Simulation guideline for the OpenDRIVE standard.

This guideline was created in the context of several projects including:


Do you have questions or suggestions for improvement?

Please get in touch

Technical University of Munich
Chair of Geoinformatics
Arcisstr. 21
80333 Munich
